Sunday, February 22, 2015

I'm a winner and a finisher!

One of our beautiful granddaughters is on her high school dance team and they performed extremely well at a competition yesterday.  As a fundraiser there were many wonderful raffle baskets that one could win.  I put in several tickets on a loaded Trader Joe's basket and lo and behold, I was the winner!!  I am thrilled with my winnings!
 After coming home from the dance competition, I finished hand sewing the black binding on this quilt that I have depicted before when it was in the WIP stage.  I'm liking this one a lot!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

This and that

I was reminded I hadn't blogged for a while, but to tell you the truth, sometimes I wonder whether to keep it up.  We'll see.

This past weekend was the annual quilt retreat that I go to.  What a great time I had with friends, and lots and lots of sewing accomplished.  The following photo is the layout of a quilt one of my friends is making for her daughter.  I think it is just spectacular.  Gotta love that blue and pink!
I worked on a couple different projects, and got a lot of blocks completed, which I will plan to post about another time.

The following photo is a quilt I am nearly done quilting on.  I think I have posted about this at least once before.  At any rate, I was within six blocks of being done quilting the body of the quilt, and darn it all, anyway, if I didn't run out of thread.  I did manage to find a pretty good match, so completed that and am half done quilting the border.  I'll post again when it's bound and totally completed.
 I signed up to take a Beginning Wool Applique class with a friend.  That class was Monday, and truthfully, I enjoyed it much more than I thought I would.  It is a fun process.  We all were to purchase a small kit and mine is a Buttermilk Basin kit. 

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Progress being made

I now have 56 of these blocks completed and am in the process of trimming them a bit and testing layouts.  Laying them out is enough to make my head spin!  I will eventually have something I am satisfied with.  Sorry the quality of the photo is not so great.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Fat Quarter Shop BOM

Yesterday a friend called my attention to the Fat Quarter Shop BOM shown below and told me she had signed up.  I generally don't do BOMs where the fabric is provided, but this one I'm a real sucker for, so it didn't take but a few moments to decide to go for it.  A different designer will design each block.  It looks like tons of fun, and I love what I'm seeing.  Don't you think it is cute?  The website is 
2013 Designer Mystery Block of the Month<SMALL><SUP>TM</SUP></SMALL> Block of the Month Program

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Quilting Reatreat in February

Prep work is completed for my Dove Tales quilt.  All the block elements are cut and I'm ready to take it to retreat in February.  All the pieces for each block are separated on a paper plate, and it makes it so easy to just pick up the correct piece and start sewing.

Then I just had to do a sample block for my Primitive Patchworks basket pattern.  That pattern I am working on the rest of the cutting for.  I hope to take it to retreat also.  I will have my choice of whichever one I want to work on, and maybe it will be a bit of both.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Sewing day

Today was a special day.  My friend Kelly came over and we went to lunch (first things first, you know), and then spent the afternoon sewing.  Kelly has come over a couple Mondays a month for several years and we have a great time eating and visiting and sewing.  Yes, we actually do get quite a bit accomplished. 

These are some of the blocks I worked on today.  I have 56 blocks now that I need to stitch around the circles with black blanket stitch and then put the top together using black and white sashing.  I saw a quilt much like what I'm doing hanging in a quilt shop and thought "I could do that," so purchased some more black and white and bright fat quarters and here we are.  I'm getting excited now to get it all put together.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Beach time!

Two wonderful days spent on the coast at Gleneden, OR.  This is one of my favorite areas to stay, as it is off the highway and very small, making it a great place to walk and walk, with the beach being right there and very few cars on the roads.  
The sunset photo was taken from our balcony, so our view was spectacular. 

I worked a bit on my turtle wallhanging that I purchased the supplies for when we were in Hawaii in April.  It will eventually be finished - I hope.  The pattern is "Herd of Turtles" by Pacific Rim Quilt  Company.  It is a two-fabric applique pattern.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Top is done!

I have long wanted to make a Hunter's Star quilt, and I finally did it.  I would have liked it to be a bit bigger, but I was running out of some of the fabrics.  It turned out to be fairly easy construction using the Rapid Fire Hunter's Star ruler.  So that's one thing that I can scratch off my quite extensive list of quilts I want to make.  Now I need to sandwich it and figure out how I want to quilt it.  In the meantime, on to other projects...

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Disappearing Pinwheel

I mentioned a few days ago that I was tempted to make a disappearing hourglass quilt, and then I discovered the disappearing pinwheel pattern (tutorial and pattern here: ) .   I was intrigued, to say the least, and made a DPW block.  It was super easy and I love the way it comes out.    I like how it's depicted on several images I saw with the DPW blocks surrounded by a plain border and then a border of pinwheels.  I think that will be a project in my future (not too distant though, probably).

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Dove Tales and Mt. Hood

A while back a friend and I were at a quilt show and one of the vendors was a quilt designer who was one of our very early quilt teachers.  Her name is Pam McMahon and she was a wonderful teacher and is a very talented designer.  We each bought a pattern.  I had a terrible time deciding, but eventually chose Dove Tales.  Her website is .  I didn't see the Dove Tales pattern on her website (of course I could have missed it), but there is contact info if anyone wanted that pattern.

I decided to make a test block and love how it came out.  I am not using layer cakes, as she did, but I was able to cut what I needed from scrap yardage with no issues at all.  Anyway, I am pleased with the result and looking forward to making 19 or maybe 20 (depending on whether I use the test block) more blocks.
This photo of Mt. Hood was shared yesterday.  The credit goes to Oregon Mt. Hood Territory.  "Our" mountain is just stunning in its beauty!

Monday, January 5, 2015

Tough decision!

A while back I saw a couple photos of completed disappearing hourglass quilts, and I was smitten!  There is a tutorial here by the Missouri Star Quilting Company.   

 Then, today a friend showed me the Disappearing Pinwheel and I really fell for that one.

I think they are both beautiful, and since I can't decide yet which one I want to do, I guess I will start making primitive patchworks' "Prairie Baskets."  I bought this pattern last week after I saw a sample made up in our LQS.  I have PLENTY of fabric to make it without purchasing more, and after I use some of my stash the dent in my fabric supply will not even be noticeable!!   primitive patchworks is a local pattern company and I don't find them on the web at all.

Friday, January 2, 2015

More quilts from 2014

I was looking at photos and decided to share a few more quilts that I completed in 2014.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

I can't take credit for this photo, but Mt. Hood has received a lot of snow, and is always beautiful, but especially lovely cloaked in a stunning white blanket of snow.  Mt. Hood is about 45 miles from our home, and there are a number of places in town where we have a wonderful view.

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

 First, I hope all will have a very Happy, Healthy New Year!

A viewer asked me about a quilt pattern from my blog, so I decided on this last day of 2014 to post again (that is, if I can figure out how to do it after all this time.)  The four photos are some of the quilts from 2014.  The following quilt was in a magazine, and it hangs in the summer in our dining area.

 This quilt I had wanted to make for a long time.  It is "Shakespeare in the Park" by Judy Martin.
This quilt was made for our grandson who is an avid New Orleans Saints fan.  Unfortunately, the Saints sort of crashed and burned this year, but he loved the quilt.

I made two of these snowmen table toppers for our two daughters-in-law.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

More photos

While we were gone, we made an impulsive decision (sometimes the best kind) to make a little detour and go to Arches National Park in Utah.  It was a beautiful day without a cloud in the sky, and the rock formations were beyond amazing!

My Blog List

  • Well, Isn't THAT Special? - Half of my County Clare blocks were at home. The other half? At the QPO Studio. I've been working on them fairly diligently in between the lines of sti...
    9 hours ago
  • The Maid - Another novel about a neurodivergent main character. Five stars from me again!Poor naive, unassuming Molly the maid works in the Regency Grand Hotel in a ...
    5 days ago
  • October quilts for display. - Here is another batch of quilts that I can choose from for displaying for the month of October. So, sit back and enjoy! As I sit in my chair in ...
    5 days ago
  • More Catch Up - I think Avery liked his garbage truck quilt.This is the view I had almost daily.Everytime I walked into the house this one crawled or walked to me and wan...
    5 weeks ago
  • a4a test - Designed by: Michele Foster Pattern code: A4A-108 Finished size: 58″ x 82″ Skill level: Confident Beginner Technique: Piecing Format: PDF file [104 pages...
    4 months ago
  • Summer Speed - Hello! Just popping in very quickly in amongst wrapping a big parcel, making a packed lunch, sorting laundry, dashing out to the shops, and packing for a f...
    1 year ago
  • Sacred yoni relief tile - As part of my art course, I've created a relief tile in buff raku clay. The mood board is a theme I've always been interested in. I created a number of t...
    1 year ago
  • Vintage Fabrics - *"Edged in Black" by Audrey Arno, 7" x 7"* Hello from a long-absent quilter! It is autumn in Wisconsin, Oliver is sleeping near me, now 12 and sweete...
    2 years ago
  • Starting of 2021 - Good Morning, I think it is about time to do a catch up again. Life sure does have a way to throwing things in your way. I am still recovering from back ...
    3 years ago
  • lizzie's quilt, a 40 year finish and farewell - On Sunday night, about a week before Christmas Eve, I decided that I should make my sweet neighbor girl a quilt for her 18th birthday. It was a crazy idea...
    5 years ago
  • 2nd Shawl - I'm now working on my next shawl called Tea House Wrap by Alexandra Tavel using Lion Brand Jeans yarn I haven't progressed to far but I can't say that I've...
    6 years ago
  • Really.... I'm in - Well, hello. I'm back and suddenly I can enter my blog, sigh. Been trying on and off since last December. I have finished all the book learning and am wor...
    6 years ago
  • Adieu - When I started my blog back in 2009, never in my wildest dreams did I ever think it would evolve as it did. I have made so many friends and acquaintances a...
    7 years ago
  • Quiltmaker's Sew along - If you are here, reading this, you must be because Quiltmaker sent you here:) As you may have noticed, I don't blog any more. But I was very honored that o...
    8 years ago
  • Hearts Everywhere! - There are many different versions of hearts showing up all over Instagram. Seeing them got me in the mood to make a little heart quilt. This heart patter...
    8 years ago
  • Pattern Winner- Congratulations, Michelle - Congrats, Michelle! Michelle is a sock knitter and loves applique! OOOOOhhhhh...... we have SOOOO much in common, Michelle! I just spent the weekend rel...
    8 years ago
  • Try, Try Again - I've jumped back into blogging. My heart wanted it. It's my partner, my coach, my diary. It was time. I've been stitching more and more over the past f...
    9 years ago
  • Hexie Quilt is Finished - Three years after starting it, I put the last stitch in the binding of my 1 1/2" hexie quilt on Saturday. I still haven't settled on a name for it. It may...
    9 years ago
  • A rush post - just some Christmassy projects - Just sharing some Christmas crafts .... These were for an ornament swap.
    9 years ago
  • Rainbow Scrappy Saturday - Hello everyone, I thought I wouldn’t have anything to show again for this weekend but I got a tail wind last night and managed to sew up the little cross b...
    10 years ago
  • The time has come... - things change, people change, you know how it goes... when I started this blog 6 years ago, I was working for a fabric company....I was quite literally wor...
    11 years ago
  • Life on Easy Street - I completed Step 3 of the Easy Street Mystery over at Quiltville. I am enjoying this, and look forward to Friday for the next Step! You can see how other...
    11 years ago
  • Grandma's Flower Garden - I have been fortunate to recently inherit my Grandmother's Flower Garden quilt. The quilt is all hand pieced and hand quilted. This quilt was most like...
    12 years ago
  • I have a new blog! - I've decided to move my blogging over to WordPress. Blogger has been great, but there are some things that I just can't do here so I'm giving WordPress a ...
    13 years ago