First the good news. Our dear daughter-in-law is doing well and for that we are very, very grateful. She has been free from side effects from the pinpoint radiation. She and our son and their two children (two of our DGCs) and Hubby and I are going to Florida and spend some time at the Disney parks before Christmas. We will all be home to spend Christmas here. Hubby and I are going a week earlier and will go to the Florida Keys and explore some other places in Florida, and then meet up with them in Orlando. We have never been to the Keys, so are excited about going there.
I am not going to give many details about the following pictures. Suffice it to say that in time the entire project and its destination will be disclosed. I doubt that it will be seen here by the recipient, but just in case...
This quilt top is waiting for me to make a back for it, and then sandwich and quilt it and give it to a local charity group. The pattern is Play Time by Random Threadz.
Porch Progress & More!
The guys have been hard at work replacing the porch railings on our
It's been a monstrous job - and they are getting it done - one section at...
3 hours ago