I apologize for not getting on here and wishing everyone a Merry Christmas. At any rate, I hope you all had a great holiday and that your New Year will be wonderful in every respect.
Our snow is all gone, and it has been great to be able to be out and about a bit now. We can get out and walk, and it's surprising how much I missed that when everything was too icy to take a chance on taking a walk.
In October at our guild meeting, we had the Portland/Vancouver Project Linus volunteer speak to us. She was very, very good, and showed us a DVD that left most of us with damp eyes. It motivated me to work on some quilts for Project Linus, so the following are two that I have completed so far. I have another top that I did, but it needs to be sandwiched and quilted.
The pink one is made with fabric that was given to me and I am pleased with it.
Huka Falls Gift-Away!
G'day from Australia!
Yes, this post has been *mostly* written ahead so all I had to make were a
few edits during my time here and set it to go live -
3 days ago