I just added a graphic that links to a great site - Quilt Qua. There is so much there-articles, how-to links, quilt shop links. teacher links. blog links, etc.
Thanks for this link, it looks like an interesting site, I bookmarked it and will take a better look when there is more time. Those are nice photos of your grandchildren in previous posts, I think it's great, the time you spend with them and the trips you take with them. My mom used to do this with my kids and they loved it and have so many precious memory's from that time.
Huka Falls Gift-Away!
G'day from Australia!
Yes, this post has been *mostly* written ahead so all I had to make were a
few edits during my time here and set it to go live -
A Christmas Quilt and a Rant!
Binding got put onto this quilt in time to put up for the Xmas holidays!
I'm happy it is done.
I have been collecting a lot of Xmas fabrics from other...
More Catch Up
I think Avery liked his garbage truck quilt.This is the view I had almost
daily.Everytime I walked into the house this one crawled or walked to me
and wan...
Summer Speed
Hello! Just popping in very quickly in amongst wrapping a big parcel,
making a packed lunch, sorting laundry, dashing out to the shops, and
packing for a f...
Sacred yoni relief tile
As part of my art course, I've created a relief tile in buff raku clay.
The mood board is a theme I've always been interested in.
I created a number of t...
red and white trees!-a completed quilt
I finished my red and white trees! quilt last week. It took me a few days
to get around to hanging it up, but I think it was worth the wait. I LOVE
how i...
Finished shawl
I completed the shawl I had been working on. I do still need to block in
but I have to find something to use that I can pin it to so I can leave it
for a ...
"The Grid Design Workbook"
For all of us machine quilters who are looking for some new ideas for
quilting designs, this is a wonderful new book by Cindy Seitz-Krug, an
award winni...
An Awesome Gift!
Look what arrived in the mail yesterday from my friend Mary from *Quilt
It looks huge in the photo above but in actual fact, it measures only 6"x...
Sew-a-Thon: One Million Pillow Case Challenge
Mark your calendars for the upcoming One Million Pillow Case Challenge
Sew-a-Thon coming up on September 16th and 17th, 2016. For the third year,
our fri...
Quiltmaker's Sew along
If you are here, reading this, you must be because Quiltmaker sent you
here:) As you may have noticed, I don't blog any more. But I was very
honored that o...
Snug as a Bird in a Boot!
New home for the birds....
It's always fun to run into an old friend after years apart. That's what
happened to me last week. Since we last saw each oth...
Jan Finishes
This is my second little quilt finish of the Simple Whatnots Club 1. Didn't
sign up for Club 2 because I still have four little quilt patterns to do
Try, Try Again
I've jumped back into blogging. My heart wanted it. It's my partner, my
coach, my diary. It was time. I've been stitching more and more over the
past f...
Hexie Quilt is Finished
Three years after starting it, I put the last stitch in the binding of my 1
1/2" hexie quilt on Saturday. I still haven't settled on a name for it.
It may...
Me and my man and............
Last summer we walked happy and smiling out of the church when DD1 got
And later in the summer we became the proud grandparents of
Rainbow Scrappy Saturday
Hello everyone, I thought I wouldn’t have anything to show again for this
weekend but I got a tail wind last night and managed to sew up the little
cross b...
The time has come...
things change, people change, you know how it goes... when I started this
blog 6 years ago, I was working for a fabric company....I was quite
literally wor...
Life on Easy Street
I completed Step 3 of the Easy Street Mystery over at Quiltville. I am
enjoying this, and look forward to Friday for the next Step! You can see
how other...
Grandma's Flower Garden
I have been fortunate to recently inherit my Grandmother's Flower Garden
quilt. The quilt is all hand pieced and hand quilted. This quilt was most
I have a new blog!
I've decided to move my blogging over to WordPress. Blogger has been
great, but there are some things that I just can't do here so I'm giving
WordPress a ...
Thanks for this link, it looks like an interesting site, I bookmarked it and will take a better look when there is more time. Those are nice photos of your grandchildren in previous posts, I think it's great, the time you spend with them and the trips you take with them. My mom used to do this with my kids and they loved it and have so many precious memory's from that time.