I had vowed I wouldn't let so much time pass between posts, and I've done it again. My main excuse was we were gone for a week and staying in a condo in Central Oregon at Eagle Crest. We didn't have internet access there, so, that's the best I can do for an excuse.
Prior to leaving, I did complete one quilt, another Project Linus quilt that I pieced a while back. For the quilting I used Rainbow thread that I got from Superior Threads. I am now in love with that thread. It's a verigated 40 weight polyster that has a very pretty sheen. Since quilting that quilt, I have ordered a couple other colors to use in other projects.

All routes through the mountains to Central Oregon are very scenic, but we decided this time to take a route we hadn't taken before, which is across the McKenzie Pass, which is a slower, very curvy, but gorgeous drive. The first picture is of the beautiful McKenzie River. Oregon has quite a few covered bridges, and this one is still in use.
On this drive we went from the lush greenery up to the stark lava fields, with beautiful mountain views. I believe the sign said that the volcano occured about 1500 years ago. It is so impressive to see mile after mile of the lava rocks, and be reminded that the mountains in the Cascade range are live volcanoes. (Remember Mt. St. Helens blowing in 1980?)

The last picture is taken at Smith Rock, out of Terrabonne, OR. We hiked there one day, and the path that is shown takes off at the bottom of the path down from the parking lot. Down was not so tough, but going back up was quite a climb. What a beautiful area this is though, and what a lovely day for a hike.

One other thing I have been doing is I am taking a Quilt University class - More Machine Quilting. I have already picked up several tips, and I'm really enjoying it.